Ugo Rondinone's "let's start this day again" will close soon...don't miss out!

Image: vocabulary of solitude - Ugo Rondinone. Installation view at Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen, Rotterdam, 2016

This exhibit will be closing August 20, 2017 at the Contemporary Arts Center:

This exhibition will celebrate a new iteration of the Swiss-born, NY-based artist Ugo Rondinone’s color spectrum series that congregates his art, the gallery architecture and every visitor to the space as collaborators in an all-encompassing experience.

Rondinone conceives his solo exhibitions as total art statements, offering the visitor a multi-sensory epiphany that, in his words, “revolutionizes your whole being." This hypnotic installation will be carefully layered in groups that include a neon rainbow, colored gels on the windows, floating mandalas, blurred target paintings, painted windows, gradient color walls and a surreal cast of life-size, garishly clad clown sculptures.

Presented as a constellation, Rondinone marries elements he has used in the past to “bring all those groups together in a colorful symphony.” This groundbreaking collage epitomizes the artist’s ongoing desire to translate a heightened spectrum of psychological states into environments that provoke corresponding moods in the viewer.

Beyond just seeing this show, one feels immersed in its enveloping environment – re-imagining what the CAC can be, and what art can be to an audience. In so doing, let's start this day again will not only revamp the way visitors see and understand the CAC, but will also set the course for this work to appear in four other venues across the world: each one reorganizing the elements to fashion a continually evolving experience.