Adequate insurance coverage is a critical to the safekeeping of your valuables.
Many people believe they have coverage through their Homeowner's Policy. What most people don't know until they actually file an insurance claim: many property and casualty policies will not pay out the full replacement value if valuables are not itemized on a schedule.
Work with us to insure your collection
We prepare your itemized insurance schedule for you, your agent, and your underwriter to use so you can insure valuable property for an adequate replacement value. We identify your valuable objects using industry-standard Object ID methodology, carefully document and photograph your objects, and conduct market research to support an accurate retail replacement value. We organize all of your information in an appraisal report: a legal document you can submit to your insurer with the confidence that you have adequate AND specific coverage to protect your favorite paintings, wine collection, or the antique furniture you inherited from your parents.
Whatever the object, it can be included our insurance appraisal service so you can avoid startling financial losses in the event of a loss.