Be Organized

For entire households or collections of objects a survey can paint a clearer picture so you can confidently move forward.

For one hour, an experienced personal property appraiser will visit your home, discuss your goals, inspect your belongings, and provide a written survey summary with the following information:

  • Auction estimates and recommendations for potentially valuable objects
  • What you may want to keep
  • What can be thrown away or donated
  • What objects could be appropriately grouped to save on appraisal costs

You may find a survey is particularly helpful to those who are:

  • Downsizing
  • Settling an estate
  • Planning a trust
  • Organizing or cleaning a home
  • Wanting to learn more about their belongings

Receiving a professionally photographed and catalogued inventory of your valued assets allows you to easily reference exactly what you have and easily share objects with interested parties, beneficiaries, or resale venues.

You will receive:

  • Professional, detailed photography of your chosen items
  • Museum standard Object ID cataloguing includes measurements, unique features, and condition report
  • Access to your inventory via our interactive online tool
  • Print catalogs available on request
  • Curatorial services available on request


Be Knowledgeable

Most property and casualty insurance policies are not adequate in protecting your unique and valuable belongings as they will not pay out the full replacement value in the event of a claim.

We carefully document and photograph your objects before performing in depth research to support an accurate retail replacement value.  

These crucial steps are taken so you can avoid bad surprises in the event of a claim, and your policy can do exactly what it was supposed to do: Give you the means to replace your treasured belongings.

When it comes to settling or planning estate, we make appraising valuables and personal property simple and quick.

Whether you need appraisals for a large amount of items due to a contentious situation, or simply need a few valuable items appraised to fulfill your fiduciary duties, we will provide you with a professionally photographed, catalogued, and valued report to clear up disagreements and protect you in the event of an audit.

If you are making a non-cash charitable contribution of greater than $5,000 and wish to deduct it from your taxes, you typically need an appraisal report.  

We will provide you with professionally catalogued and exceptionally researched appraisal documentation that not only ensures a fair deduction, but mitigates your liability in case your donation is scrutinized or audited by the IRS.


Be Sophisticated

Receiving a Legacy plan provides you with a package of services to insure and plan for your most treasured assets.

This service includes:

  • Survey
  • Custom Catalog with online database
  • Insurance Appraisal Report
  • Financial Planning Appraisal Report

Are you trying to decide what you want to do with an item, but don't know enough about what it is or what it's worth?

Our Sale Estimate service solves this by providing an online platform where you can submit information and pictures in order to receive the following from a qualified expert:

  • Object identification
  • Auction estimate
  • Most appropriate marketplace to sell the item

When you want to sell belongings on the secondary market, having something valuable is only part of performing a successful transaction.  

With so many auction houses and dealers spanning various areas of specialty and offering different commission and consignment fees, it can be difficult to know if you are really getting the best deal.

Our sale negotiation service will leverage our industry expertise to completely handle this process for you.  This is done by:

  • Selecting the auction houses and dealers best suited to sell your item
  • Sending your item pictures and information to each venue
  • Collecting responses and negotiating fees
  • Providing you with a final report of each offer so you can make an intelligent and informed decision