Appraisal Report Documents Written to Satisfy Tax & Insurance Objectives
Receive a simple and quick appraisal report for estate planning and settlement.
Whether you need appraisals for a large amount of items due to a contentious situation, or simply need a few valuable items appraised to fulfill your fiduciary duties, we will provide you with a professionally photographed, catalogued, and valued report to clear up disagreements and protect you in the event of an audit.
We carefully document and photograph your objects before performing in depth research to support an accurate retail replacement value.
These crucial steps are taken so you can avoid bad surprises in the event of a claim, and your policy can do exactly what it was supposed to do: Give you the means to replace your treasured belongings.
If you are making a non-cash charitable contribution of greater than $5,000 and wish to deduct it from your taxes, you typically need an appraisal report. (If you are unsure if the value of your object exeeds this number, you may want to first try a Sale Estimate.)
We will provide you with professionally catalogued and exceptionally researched appraisal documentation that not only ensures a fair deduction, but mitigates your liability in case your donation is scrutinized or audited by the IRS.