If you are making a non-cash charitable contribution of greater than $5,000 and wish to deduct it from your taxes, you typically need an appraisal report.
We will provide you with professionally catalogued and exceptionally researched appraisal documentation that not only ensures a fair deduction, but mitigates your liability in case your donation is scrutinized or audited by the IRS.
Please contact us to receive a quote.
Gifts of valuable artwork can satisfy donor’s philanthropic and tax planning desires. Donors must familiarize themselves with the IRS requirements for documenting their contributions, clarify the terms of the gift upfront, and seek professional advice from tax planners and appraisers.
It's tax season, and you may have donated valuable tangible property to a University, museum or other qualifying not-for-profit institution in 2012. If you are seeking a tax deduction for donations of tangible property, it's important to keep these four things in mind when preparing your returns.
The Internal Revenue Service provides a tax advantage for those generous enough to give museums, universities, libraries and other qualifying institutions tangible property with relevant value. The gifts are referred to as Non-Cash Charitable Contributions and they exist in many forms. Before benevolently parceling out your personal collection of valuables, explore the requirements for taking advantage of this tax incentive.
We make it easy to donate tangible objects to charitable organizations. Enjoy the philanthropic & financial advantages associated with non-cash charitable contributions without the hassle and create your legacy.